So, creativity. Some folks think it’s all fairy dust and magic wands—either you’ve got it or you don’t. We usually associate it with artists, painters, and tax advisors. Or, on the other hand, it’s also seen as, well, a bit whimsical—like finger-painting or doodling with crayons.

But let’s get real for a second. For modern leaders like you, creativity is a must-have skill. It’s our secret weapon for cooking up practical solutions to complex problems. As the world turns into a roller coaster, your unique creative insights become more crucial than ever.

When you’re thinking logically, you’re hunting for that one killer solution.
Creative thinking is a different ball game. That’s all about casting a wide net for good, eye-popping, or downright surprising ideas. Selecting which idea to pursue comes later.

The savviest leaders blend both approaches. They think ambidextrously, fusing logic with creativity.

Smart thinking hinges on two game-changing levers—asking questions and setting boundaries.

When you fire off thought-provoking questions, you force everyone—your team, your clients, or yourself—to really engage those brain cells. Every big-time management model is basically a clever set of questions. It’s clear in Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle: Why? How? What? But once you peel back the layers, you’ll see that Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas and Daniel Ofman’s core quadrants are sets of questions, too.

Setting boundaries is the other lever. It may sound a bit counterintuitive, as we often think creativity means no limits. But here’s the kicker—boundaries actually boost your brain’s originality. It’s like getting creative in the kitchen. If you have the entire world’s ingredients and endless time, coming up with a brand-new dish is a slog. But give yourself five ingredients and twenty minutes? Boom! Creativity unleashed.

Now here’s the fun part—those two principles, asking questions and setting boundaries, also work wonders when you’re brainstorming with AI.

Ask it for ‘good ideas’ and brace yourself for a barrage of mind-numbing suggestions. But throw in some questions and boundaries, and you may very well hit the jackpot of fresh perspectives.

In a live workshop this morning, I asked ChatGPT on behalf of a client, “How can I scale up my real estate portfolio without a team and without drowning in admin tasks? Use the SCAMPER method and give me 10 ideas per component.” The AI spewed out interesting ideas, some of which were surprisingly original.

Suddenly, AI isn’t just a tool on your laptop—it’s your own creative genius, challenging and inspiring you. And who knows? After snagging your first patent based on one of these ideas, you might need that tax advisor after all.

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